Day of the Dead
I participated in Flagswipes big game "the Day of the Dead" on October 20, 2002 and oh my god did I have a blast. There were approximately 100 - 120 people there that day. Myself I was "scorn" Commanding Officer of the Demon Horde with the Dead Forces. I had a legion of about 20 people to command throughout the day. Flagswipes outdoor field was converted into the Town of Oaks Corners. They had set up props throughout their field and had different missions ranging from Search out and capture the nuclear war head, to capture and protect the Oak corners sportsplex which was actually a sup air field. The game lasted all day; approximately eight hours and at the end PMI had donated a bunch of great prizes. There was an electronic marker for best costume, as well as another marker to who ever could catch it. A PMI ball pack with refrigerator tubes, PMI clear tubes with oil and squeegees, hats, paintball gloves, and jerseys were among the prizes given out that day. I am defiantly going next year and I would recommend it to anyone that wants to have a BLAST!!!
Luke "Dekoy" Pratt
