Scratcher Photos
Wiring Diagram
Sound Samples
This is the part from an old VCR which can be used to make the Scratcher.
It is actually the capstan motor. The grey metal circular piece can be removed,
and this is shown in the photo below. There are coils under this piece, and the
grey circular spindle has a large flat magnet in it. So....if one spins this circular
piece a small voltage is generated in the coils ! Hook these coils up to an amplifier
and instant rapper music.
This is the part with the platter removed.
This is a photo showing how the Assembly was mounted on a wood base.
The shaft of the platter goes through a hole in the base.
This is a photo with the platter removed.
The Scratcher is a device which can be used to generate
rapper type know, the kind where somebody takes a vinyl record and moves it back and
forth with their hand to make noise.