This page will cover using the IR sensor
and Universal Remote to construct a security sensor to trigger X10
modules. The Stamp sends a serial command to a PC which can control
X10 modules. The PC software to control X10 modules is provided.
The controller board for the Stamp was used with an IR sensor
salvaged from an old VCR. An "ALL IN ONE" Remote was used to provide an IR source
for the sensor from the VCR. One of the buttons on the Remote was permanently pushed
on ( using a clothes pin ! ) so that an invisible IR beam was constantly aimed
at the VCR sensor.
<--- All in One Remote & IR Sensor --->
Now, when someone broke this beam, the Stamp program sent a character to the
PC serial port. The PC software recognized this character, and activated the X10 modules. X10 module
activation was done using a program written by B.Christenson. This program (X10FX100)is listed on the
following site. AutoMagicTechnologies
B. Christenson's program, FX.exe, allows one to send commands to a TW523, or a PL513 using a script
file. A Turbo Pascal program on the PC was used to call this FX.exe program. The source code of the
Turbo Pascal program is provided here.To obtain the FX.exe program go to the AutoMagic Technologies site.
Also, remember that this FX.exe software by B. Christenson is Shareware software.
The Turbo Pascal program available here can be easily modified to suit other
purposes. It calls FX.exe after first copying appropriate script files to
the file used by FX.exe.
PB0 - Serial input from PC
PB1 - Serial output to PC
PB2 - Motor speed PWM to MOSFET
PB3 - Forward relay output
PB4 - Reverse relay output
PB5 - General purpose relay
PB6 - Spare input
PB7 - 555 timer missing pulse input
The following is the Turbo Pascal program for the PC. ( I used this for Halloween decorations, hence
the references to Witches Mat, etc. in the source code.)
Click here to download the PC X10 Control
The following is the code for the Basic Stamp 1.
Click here to download the Stamp