Configure modem to PPPoE Connection

This walkthrough will provide you with the settings required to re-configure the modem to connect with Odynet.
If using a 3rd party router consult your router's user manual for assistance in finding the equivalent settings.

*Note: For best results, if possible connect the device directly to the router via Ethernet cable.

Click HERE to download the PDF version.

Step 1: Access the modem

  • Open a browser, and navigate to
  • A prompt for username and password will appear.
    By default, username is 'admin' and password is 'admin'

    Step 2: Navigate the Configuration page

    Choose 'Advanced Setup' then 'WAN Service' from sub-menu
    The right screen should have no entries.

    Click on the 'Add' button to start setting up a connection.

    Step 3: Setting the PPPoE Settings

    The first page in the configuration select 'ptm0/(0_1_1)', then click 'Next'
    For the next screen choose 'PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)', Change options 'Priority' to '0' and 'VLAN ID' to '35'.
    Click 'Next' to proceed to next screen to enter PPPoE user login information.

    Configure the router with the following PPPoE settings

    Username: Odynet username, ending in
    Password: The password to Odynet account supplied at signup

    Confirm 'ppp0.1' is in the left list and click next for both Interface and DNS screens.

    Step 4: Save Settings

    On the 'WAN Setup - Summary' page click 'Apply/Save'.

    The device will reboot, allow 30-120 seconds for it to initialize, the device will connect the service once it completes.